ICT Solutions
Cloud Transformation
The business of cloud-based applications has gone from a novel way to store information to becoming an instrumental tool changing the way people conduct business.
Many businesses have taken the initiative to reinvent the way we do things, delivering their products and services via the cloud. With the complexities that come with an ever-changing computing landscape, engaging the right strategy to reap the benefits of cloud computing is crucial.
A well-defined, proven strategy helps you build the right cloud solution — one that operates reliably, scales efficiently, minimizes the effort and time required to maintain core business infrastructure and brings lasting value to your organization.
Key benefits of Cloud Solutions are:
- Fast deployment
- Highly scalability at anywhere, anytime
- No upfront infrastructure cost
- Built-in redundancy and backup
- Universal accessibility
At A-Speed we offer end-to-end cloud computing services to fulfill your business needs. Giving you flexible and cost-effective solutions for virtualization of networks, storage, backup and security. As a recognized leading cloud service provider, our team empowers customers with a true “Software Defined Cloud Solutions” that is fast, flexible and innovative.
Our “Software Defined Cloud Solutions” provide you with:
- Highly resilient & fast data storage. Up 10 times faster than major cloud service providers
- Global Data Super Positioning with data literally available in more than 1 place simultaneously
- Superb intelligent network which automatically moves data to where it needs to be computed to minimize latency
Contact us to find out more about how our cloud solutions can benefit your business.
Contact Us if you have any queries or would like more information about our solutions.